Monday, June 10, 2024

Completely Conspicuous 637: Let's Get Out of Here

Part 1 of my conversation with guest Phil Stacey about the music of 2010. Listen to the episode below or download directly (right click and "save as"). 

Show notes:

  • In 2010, Phil became a dad for the second time
  • A little running talk
  • Kesha had the #1 song in 2010 with "Tik Tok"
  • Phil asking philosophical questions
  • Phil's non-top 5s: Darker My Love, Best Coast, LCD Soundsystem, Foals, Ty Segall, Spoon, Wolf People, Vampire Weekend, Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings
  • Jay's non-top 5s: Neil Young, Los Campesinos!, Arcade Fire, Black Mountain, Les Savy Fav
  • When artists stop making good albums
  • To be continued

Completely Conspicuous is available through Apple Podcasts. Subscribe and write a review!

The opening and closing theme of Completely Conspicuous is "Theme to Big F'in Pants" by Jay Breitling. Voiceover work is courtesy of James Gralian.

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